Friday, September 4, 2015

uniden firmware updates are out (notice no caps or explanation marks)

This was a big let down.  Fixed very little and added nothing.  Here are the links to the pages if you are interested.

In other news:
MONOC is continuing testing on NJICS

Middle Twp. appears to be gearing up to move to NJICS.  Radios are currently being programmed.

New Brunswick is reported to move to either Middlesex County or the State 700 system.  The bad news is they are probably going to be encrypted.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rumor has it.....

MONOC is going to be moving to the NJICS 700 system.  This is welcome news to scanner listener's, especially if you have ever subjected yourself to listen to the North Jersey UHF repeater for any length of time.

Since MONOC dispatches the Atlantic Health Units, we may very well be hearing MONOC now all over North Jersey, since Atlantic's MICU/EMS coverage is pretty wide spread.

Now if only MICCOM would jump on, then we would have the 3 big players on 700.